Sickle Cell Disease Association of EscaRosa
Founded in 1977, the Sickle Cell Disease Association of Escambia/Santa Rosa Counties (SCDA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving individuals with the sickle disease and their families to assist them to receive necessary services and support.
About the SCDA of EscaRosa
Major Goal:
The major goal objectives of the Association are to advocate, develop and implement programs and services to benefit individuals suffering from Sickle Cell Disease. To a accomplish these goals the association will:
Acquaint the public with current and ongoing needs of persons with Sickle Cell Disease.
Promote involvement of the public in a activities that support the SCDA's mission.
Provide information and opportunities for health promotion, recreation, employment, support services and camaraderie.
Promote medical research to eradicate Sickle Cell Disease.
Advocate and monitor the delivery of health care services and provide counseling and support services.

“Sickle cell may bend my body, but it will never break my soul.”
Sickle Cell Disease Association of EscaRosa